The La Center Clipper

The LA CENTER CLIPPER was one of two newspapers based in historic La Center. Its predecessor the La Center Tribune was first published in March 1894 and ceased publication in July 1898

– Tom Headley has some new farm machinery this week.

– The bathroom in S.C. Knighton’s barber shop is nearly completed.

– Bob Brice, of Portland was in our town Tuesday, transacting business.

– Have you seen Brougher & Fanning’s crockery? If not, why not?

– B.A. Pollard is going to try ranching. He starts in the first of the month.

– We had quite an exciting time going down the Columbia, Wednesday, when the steamers Mascot and Jerald had a race for a short distance. Honors even.

– John Brice made a trip to Martin’s mill Tuesday.

– Have you heard anything of roller skates?

– Dr. Zener had a job of amputating last week, on himself. The cause, splitting wood; the result, a part of his thumb minus. Moral; Don’t split wood with one hand.

– Have you called on our new furniture man?

– Quite a change in the weather this week, and for the better.

– Our quiet little village was some-what surprised last Friday morning when they saw what they supposed was an advance agent for Barnum & Bailey’s show, or a dime museum on the Bowery, but it proved to be Elmer Martin coming home from S.C. Knighton’s barber shop with his hair cut in the latest style. After the people of the immediate neighborhood became reconciled they congratulated Elmer on his haircut.

– Carl Zener was absent from school on account of sore eyes.

– St. Patricks Day, April 17, was well observed in La Center. Nearly everyone was wearing the shamrock, or a substitute of old Ireland – even Hans Hanson. Everything went of O.K. Several of the mill boys were in town, owing to the cold snap, the mills being shut down. All ate a hearty meal of clam chowder at Gus Utter’s saloon in the evening, and left for their respective homes full of hope and cheer and enjoyment. Such are the merry intruders of La Center.

– FOUND. A new shoe. Call Hobert & Knider’s and identify.

– WANTED. Everyone to know that I make a specialty of castrating horses, and have had years of experience. Any one having any of this work to be done will do well to call on or write to Thomas Spencer, La Center, Wash

– SECOND NOTICE of my wife, Hannah, is hereby given, forbidding all persons whatever from harboring or keeping her, and from trusting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting.

– Water in the North Fork is very low for this time of the year.

– Eighth grade pupils report. Our motto: “Let us row, not drift off.”

– Board and room,$3.50 and up. The finest rooms in town. New house, new furniture, strictly first class. House of the commercial traveler. Mrs. J. Flemming, Proprietor.



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